Monday, 11 August 2014

Increase Your Willpower With Just Three Simple Steps

Willpower comes from character. If deep down we want something, we can find million ways to see that thing done. But if we go against the things we really want to do, we can be seeking the willpower to complete tasks forever.

There is no increasing willpower in a direction we don’t want to see ourselves going in the future. There is only willpower when it comes to the things we truly want. However, willpower needs to be nurtured every minute of our life. It is something like a code. We should feed it with motivation every day and give life to it.

Every self-motivating word becomes useless when we find ourselves in a situation where we want to give up.

That’s the exact moment when we need to find the inner willpower that will give us the momentum we need.
Here are three simple but powerful tricks to increase your willpower.

1. Get a good sleep

If you think that sleep has nothing to do with willpower, try to watch funny cat videos on YouTube until four in the morning and then go to work the next day. Not only you will be the most unproductive person in the room, but you will also be the most negative person around.

Willpower comes from healthy and well-fed brain. If we don’t satisfy the smartest organ in our bodies, we will never get it to serve us. The starting point for doing something productive is getting a good night’s sleep.
We need to sleep between six to eight hours a day and not a minute more or less.

I’m personally satisfied with six hours a day because (as Robin Sharma says) I honestly think that sleeping more is a waste of time.

Experiment on yourself. Try to see how much sleep time you need to be rested. And don’t forget that over-sleeping is a habit. It’s scientifically proven that you don’t need more than eight hours, so don’t cheat yourself!

2. Write out and stick to your plans

It may sound baloney, but plans alone, written on a piece of paper or electronically, increase our willpower drastically.

When we write things down (especially on a piece of paper) we make our mind visualize how our day, week, month and even whole life should be formulated. Writing stuff down takes our timeline to a whole other level.

Two of my favorite authors, Napoleon Hill and Robin Sharma, explain how powerful it is to write things down, in particular to have something like an everyday prayer. I will kick through my shame wall and I will introduce my own everyday prayer:
Bit by bit, day by day, I will increase my income up to ****Euros until February 2015. I am willing to dedicate my time in achieving that goal and weight down all the things that block my way.

Every day I will support my positive ideas with my (the thing I am working on) to achieve my goal until February 2015. I will work every day as a mole, I will work out and I will be endlessly healthy and happy!
This is my personal “good morning” and “good night” sentence. I shared this so you can have idea of what that prayer looks like.

Make a few changes and always make plans for the next day. Organizing time is the vital step to find endless willpower.

3. Be elastic

Being elastic doesn’t always involve physical stretching. Being elastic is also being flexible with your actions.
Just as muscles need different types of exercise from time to time because otherwise they will stagnate, our brain needs change too. In other words, our brain needs entertainment. For example, if you brush your teeth with your dominant hand, try switching to the other hand next time. You will see that brushing your teeth is not so boring after all.

We need to vary our daily routine and change our actions somehow. I cannot tell each of you what to do, because everybody is different, but try to focus on how you can make your purpose and passion elastic, so you can feed your brain with endless willpower.

It all hinges on how we train our brain. If you take all the money from a wealthy person, they will accumulate wealth again. But wealth is impossible for someone with a ‘poor’ mind-set. And if you take the happiness from a happy person, they will accumulate happiness again.

By using and implementing these simple steps, you will maximize your willpower in no time!

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